📖 Definition
The Bucket allocation screen enables you to prevent your visitors from seeing all use cases at the same time and thus have reliable and statistically correct balance reports, as well as a clear and workable experience. This feature is especially useful when you have significant traffic and a lot of use cases running at the same time.
You can place your use cases in different buckets in order to limit their visibility.
The global traffic of your website is evenly split between the different buckets and your use cases can be placed in several buckets.
It is available for all types of use cases: A/B test, Personalization, Feature Toggle and Progressive rollout.
⚙️ Configuration
The Bucket allocation screen displays two columns:
- The use cases (left section)
- The buckets (right section)
The left section displays all the use cases that can be placed in buckets, i.e. those you have enabled in the Main information step of your use case.
The attribution column indicates the number of buckets a use case has been placed in. On hover on the line, each bucket in which the use case is attributed is highlighted.
By default, use cases are not placed in any buckets.
🚩 Heads up If a use case is in the left column but has not been attributed to any buckets yet, it won’t be seen by any visitors (0% of the traffic). |
The right section displays all the buckets of your account.
You can use a maximum of 10 buckets and each one represents 10% of the overall traffic; meaning that traffic is evenly distributed between all buckets.
No matter how many buckets are used, they still represent 10% of the traffic. For example, if you fill only 5 buckets, those 5 buckets still include 10% of the overall traffic.
You can place several use cases within the same bucket (as many as you want). This means that a visitor belonging to a bucket will only see the other use cases attributed to the same bucket (if they meet the targeting criteria of the use cases).
However, they won’t be able to see a use case attributed to another bucket, even if they meet the targeting criteria.
For each bucket, you can see the number of attributed use cases at a glance. By clicking ‘see use cases’, you can visualize the names and types of the use cases.
You can also rename your buckets for easy organizing.
Use case attribution
Step 1: Enabling bucket allocation
For each use case, in the Main information step, you can decide whether or not you want your use case to be attributed to buckets.
If you push the toggle ON: you plan to restrict the visibility of your use case to a specific percentage of traffic (determined by the buckets) and commit to placing it in one or several buckets via the Bucket allocation page.
If you push the toggle OFF: there is no action required on the Bucket allocation page, your use case will be visible to all visitors matching its targeting with no traffic restriction.
Step 2: Placing use cases in buckets
To be able to place a use case in buckets, you need to have enabled the toggle from the Main information step of your use case beforehand.
To place a use case in a bucket, click it, select the desired buckets and save your configuration.
⭐ Good to know If you want your use case to be visible to all of your traffic, you need to untoggle the bucket allocation button from the Main information step of your use case instead of placing it in all the buckets. |
Once you have placed your use cases in buckets, you can save your configuration.
If you leave the page without saving, your modifications won’t be taken into account and won’t be applied to your website.
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