If you are running several experiments at once on your site or application, a visitor will see each of them, which may influence the results, since one experiment can impact the results of another.
To avoid this, we offer an option that enables you to display only one experiment per visitor, even if there are several running.
To enable this option, click "Settings" in the menu, then select "Environment & Security" and under the "1 visitor 1 test" section, toggle the option "I want my users to be assigned only one experiment at a time" on.
- If you toggle the option on: a visitor cannot see more than one experiment.
- If you toggle the option off: a visitor can see more than one experiment.
This option is only available for Decision-API for now. If you implemented Flagship using bucketing, don't panic, it's on our roadmap to manage it too. |
This option only affects Experiments (A/B Test). All Personalization and Feature management scenarios will continue to work as expected.
If you activate this option while two experiments are active (an experiment on your home page and a second experiment on the cart page), all visitors who see the home page before the cart page will only see the home page experiment. The quantity of traffic that may be allocated to the cart experiment will therefore be significantly reduced. This option may increase the time required to obtain enough statistics on an experiment targeting a page or a screen located deeper in the site/app (product pages, conversion tunnel, form confirmation page, etc.). |